Community team maintain strong track record in breastfeeding support

NHS Forth Valley’s Community Health Visiting Services have successfully maintained their UNICEF’s Baby Friendly Award accreditation with flying colours.

Following a detailed assessment of local breastfeeding services and support, the team held a celebratory event to mark this achievement.

Dr Jillian Taylor, Chief Nurse for Children’s Services in NHS Forth Valley, said: “Achieving our UNICEF Baby Friendly reaccreditation is a fantastic achievement which reflects the hard work, care and commitment of our amazing team of health visitors, infant feeding advisors and local volunteers.

The team offers practical and emotional support to enable local women across Forth Valley to help them feel more confident and comfortable to breastfeed.”

She added: “This support and encouragement is having a real impact on local women and is also helping to improve local breastfeeding rates.”

Breastfeeding protects babies against a wide range of serious illnesses including gastroenteritis and respiratory infections in infancy as well as asthma, cardiovascular disease and diabetes in later life. Breastfeeding also reduces the mother’s risk of some cancers.

The Baby Friendly Initiative, set up by UNICEF and the World Health Organisation, is a global programme which provides a practical and effective way for health services to improve the care provided for all mothers and babies.

In the UK, the initiative works with UK public services to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding and to strengthen mother-baby and family relationships.

Support for these relationships is important for all babies, not only those who are breastfed.

The Award is given to health facilities/hospitals/universities after an assessment by a UNICEF team has shown that recognised best practice standards are in place.


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