Trust stages successful Public Health nursing event

Trust stages successful Public Health nursing event

Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust has staged a big Public Health nursing event in Harpenden.

Kay Gilmour, the Trust’s Assistant Director of Children’s Universal Services chaired the proceedings, attended by hundreds of Trust delegates and guests.

Among them were the professional leads from the School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA), the Institute of Health Visiting (iHV), Trust Chair Linda Sheridan and CEO Elliot Howard-Jones.

Throughout the day the Public Health 0-19 service showcased the really great work undertaken daily across Hertfordshire.

Their collective mission is to help improve health outcomes and so reduce health inequalities for babies, children, young people and families.

The conference also represented a great opportunity for the Trust’s PHN service to engage with its commissioners, with everyone joining in on the lively Q&A sessions between presentations.

Kay said: ”A huge thank you to all of you for your contributions as an organiser, facilitator or as a speaker for the fantastic PHN Celebration day.

“It was a super success and very much appreciated by all of our delegates. A great agenda with energising and informative topics, lots of opportunity for discussion, learning and networking.”

A celebratory HCT PHN video was also screened, showcasing the busy and rewarding working lives of the Trust’s amazing School Nurses and Health Visitors, Associate Practitioners, plus all the administrative staff who support them with their daily tasks.

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