Online leadership programme for nurses launched

The Florence Nightingale Foundation has launched a new online leadership programme for Internationally Educated Nurses and Midwives.

The online programme is open for commissions, from organisations who wish to support the development of their Internationally Educated Nurses and Midwives (IENMs) whether they are in the NHS, social care or private healthcare.

A spokesperson for the Florence Nightingale Foundation said on the organisation’s website: “IENMs are a source of enormous talent and expertise for our health and care services. Supporting and developing their leadership potential offers significant benefits for services and patient outcomes.

“Participants of this online leadership programme for IENMs will get the chance to develop their own authentic leadership style and to enhance their skills; enabling them to improve their service and boost their career opportunities.”

Learning outcomes from the leadership programme are:

  • Ability to lead with greater presence and personal impact

  • Clearer identification of personal leadership style

  • Improved confidence in speaking up

  • Ability to understand and lead quality improvement

  • Confidence and understanding of how to progress your career.

Lindy P Garrucho, Senior Clinical Educator, International Nursing, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust said: “We have performed a post-impact evaluation for the previous cohort of IENMs who have completed the programme and have received positive responses as the programme supports their preparation for their career development and in becoming their own type of leader.

“Since the programme has concluded, there have been members of the cohort who either had secured a different post, applied for a post and led or taken part in improvement projects. From the post-programme impact feedback that we have gathered, the programme has influenced these efforts.

“For globally educated colleagues, being offered opportunities such as the programme, facilitates their realisation of their leadership capability and provides them with the tools to enhance and hone. It is vital that these talents amongst our IENMs are nurtured and enriched here as they become a huge part of our present and, most importantly, future workforce.” 

This programme is open to bookings from organisations employing internationally educated workforce, it is not bookable by individual nurses or midwives. IENMs who are keen to take part, are encouraged to speak to their Lead Nurse and share the details.

Click here to find out more about the programme.


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