Healthcare staff receive support care awards

Healthcare staff receive support care awards

Two healthcare staff in Bolton have been presented with health care support care awards for their compassion and dedication to their patients.

Jane Shuttleworth and Lindsay Sheppard were presented with the awards by Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Deputy Chief Nurse Lianne Robinson and NHS England Nursing Workforce Senior Policy Manager Katherine Stevenson.

Jane, who is a Healthcare Assistant with the Avondale District Nursing Team at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, was nominated for her dedication and compassion in looking after patients.

She said: “I am the person I am thanks to the great team I work with and feel I take this award for the team.

“I hope this encourages all healthcare assistants that do amazing jobs and shows how we are appreciated.”

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust District Nurse Team Manager Paula Clarke said: “Jane is an amazing Healthcare Assistant to staff, patients and students alike and I am so proud to be her team manager.

“She is always forward thinking and looking at ways to improve how we work, including developing a simple tool for students to help them as they learn about the role of district nursing.

“Jane has supported patients following them losing a family member and even bought a rose bush in memory of one patient which she presented to her daughter.

“We would be lost without her and are so lucky to have her.”

Lindsay Sheppard, who is an Assistant Practitioner with the Great Lever District Nursing Team was also thrilled to receive her award.

She said: “I am absolutely overwhelmed, surprised and thrilled in equal measure.

“It’s been quite a difficult year for us as a team so to receive an award for how we’ve looked after our patients and each other is incredible.”

Her manager, District Nurse Team Manager Nicola Bell-Tye, added: “Lindsay is such a lovely person to work with, keeps the team working like clockwork and really looks after us all.

“She’s developed her own skillset through a variety of different ways, including wound care link nurse specialist training and partaking in the pressure ulcer collaborative.

“Lindsay is also brilliant at sharing the skills she’s learned throughout the team, especially with our more junior staff, which has resulted in great development for us all.

“Thank you Lindsay for everything you do for our patients and for us.”

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Deputy Chief Nurse Lianne Robinson said: “Huge congratulations to both Jane and Lindsay for their support care awards win.

“Their dedication to their patients and loved ones, as well as to their colleagues, is clear to see and they truly embody NHS values.

“Well done to you both – your recognition is well deserved.”


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