Candidates announced for forthcoming RCN elections

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has announced the candidates for its forthcoming Presidential and Council elections.

Voting for contested seats will open on Monday, October 14, and members will receive ballot papers in the post.

Members have until Monday, November 11, to cast their votes by returning their ballot papers to Civica – an independent scrutineer, for counting and verifying. 

All members will receive a vote for President and Deputy President and a vote for their relevant representative on RCN Council where the seat is contested.

Registered nurse members can vote for their country or regional representative, students vote for the student Council member and nursing support workers vote for the nursing support worker representative on Council. 

The RCN President and Deputy President are ambassadors for nursing in the UK and internationally. 

The RCN Council is formed of 17 elected members from all four UK countries, who engage with members and ensure their feedback is taken into consideration during Council discussions.

They provide rigorous oversight to make sure the RCN operates effectively and meets its legal and statutory requirements.

RCN members elected to these roles will take up office on Wednesday, January 1, 2025. Visit the RCN’s dedicated webpages to find out who is seeking your vote.  


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