World’s oldest nursing charity to host national conference

The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has released details of the exciting programme it has planned for its 2022 annual conference.

The theme of this year’s event is ‘Inspired, Intrepid, Indispensable – Creating a Supported Community Nursing Workforce’ and will feature a variety of inspirational speakers and leading healthcare experts.

Topics to be discussed will include Resilience in a Challenging Environment, Health and Wellbeing, The Science of Power and Kindness, Supporting the Mental Health and Development of the Nursing Workforce and Healthcare Starts at Home: Prioritising the Frontline.

Director of Nursing Programmes (Innovation) Sue Boran said: “This year we are coping with the challenges of emerging from the pandemic as well as the new challenges posed by the fuel crisis, the cost of living and more.

“With this in mind, we are aiming to deliver a conference that is full of hope and inspiration, practical updates and thought-provoking sessions.

“We are proud that this year’s programme will feature a huge range of exciting and uplifting speakers to help attendees to return to their workplaces feeling energised and connected.”

The event will include top speakers from the likes of the Society of Occupational Health Medicine, Williams F1 Racing, National Garden Scheme, NHS England and representatives from QNI.

The free conference will take place online between 10 and 14 October and the full programme is available to view here

To book a place click here to register and select the day or days you would like to attend.

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Tributes paid to QNI Vice President