Specialist nurses learned about key topics at national meeting

Around 150 specialist nurses from across the UK attended an event dedicated to heart failure, renal conditions and diabetes last month.

hFRenDS hosted the national meeting at the Birmingham Conference and Events Centre which brought together specialist cardiovascular, renal and metabolic nurses to find new ways to collaborate, given the frequent comorbidity of these three conditions.

The free-to-attend event was organised by three respected nursing forums: The British Society for Heart (BSH) Failure Nurse Forum, the Association of Nephrology Nurses (ANN) UK and the Diabetes Specialist Nurse (DSN) Forum UK, in partnership with LKOTT Medical Communications.

Keynote Speaker, cardiologist Professor Stephen Wheatcroft, highlighted the progress of CaReMe – a similar initiative bringing together specialists in cardio, renal and diabetes to improve patient care.

He said: “A diagnosis of both diabetes and kidney disease shortens life by as much as 16 years.

“Twenty-seven per cent of people with diabetes also have chronic heart disease; 34 per cent of those with heart failure also have type 2 diabetes, and 61 per cent have chronic kidney disease (CKD).

“That’s why we are upskilling cardiology teams to recognise the signs of diabetes and CKD. hFRenDS is already ahead of the game.”

Professor Alison Leary then delivered a session focusing on workplace wellbeing and avoiding burnout, which was highly praised by delegates.

Attendees then heard from each of the nursing forums that make up hFRenDS on the latest developments within each speciality.

A key element of the day was the presentation of two case studies exploring how multi-disciplinary teams across the three specialities have set up cardio-renal metabolic/hFRenDs services on a regional level.

These services, in Salford and Kent, have already delivered successful patient outcomes.

The British Society for Heart Failure Nurse Forum shared a case study of a 54-year-old adult with severe heart failure and diabetes, explaining the learnings from his care.

Following a sponsored symposium, the hFRenDS event closed with a practical session on how to create a business case for the creation of a collaborative multi-disciplinary hFRenDs team.

Lisa Kelly, Managing Director of LKOTT Consulting, delivered the event in partnership with the three nursing organisations.

Lisa said: “We’ve had incredible feedback from attendees today, many of whom joined us last year.

“The passion of these nurses to improve how they care for their patients is extraordinary.

“So many of them are already working to join up the three specialities in their own services, which will make an enormous difference to people.”

She added: “There’s a huge appetite to drive change, and it’s my goal to get the funding to bring more networking and educational events to this specialist nurse community. It’s essential that we continue to build on the momentum.

“My thanks go to the hFRenDs Faculty: the DSN Forum UK, ANN UK and BSH Nurse Forum teams for their massive support in getting this extremely worthwhile project off the ground.”

AstraZeneca and GSK provided sponsorship towards this independent programme. Neither organisation had any editorial input into or control over the agenda, content development or choice of speakers other than the AstraZeneca sponsored symposium.

For further information contact lisa@lisakellylkott.com.

See https://www.lisakellylkott.co.uk/hfrends to view the keynote lectures plus additional hFRenDs content.


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