QNI draft standards for community nursing specialisms are out for consultation

QNI draft standards for community nursing specialisms are out for consultation

The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has published draft Standards for six specialisms in community nursing and these are now available for public consultation.

The Field Specific Standards are designed to underpin and support Specialist Practitioner Qualifications offered by Higher Education Institutions in the UK.

The six draft Standards published this week apply to education and practice in:

·      Adult Social Care Nursing

·      Community Children’s Nursing

·      Community Mental Health Nursing

·      District Nursing

·      General Practice Nursing

·      Inclusion Health Nursing.

The Standards are available for consultation until 7 March 2023.

The QNI particularly invites the views of those currently commissioning or delivering Specialist Practitioner Qualification (SPQ) programmes, and those considering introducing new programmes.

The drafts, background information and consultation link can be found here. 

The documents also outline the endorsement process for Higher Education Institutions wishing to formally adopt the QNI Standards.

The QNI worked with representatives from health and social care organisations from the four countries of the UK to develop the Standards.

These representatives include national organisations, academics, managers, clinicians, front line staff, and service users/patients/experts by experience/carers/families.

A further three Field Specific Standards will be published later this year.


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