New Vice Chair elected to RCN Council

New Vice Chair elected to RCN Council

Paul Vaughan – a senior nurse with more than 35 years’ experience in the profession – has been elected as the new Vice Chair of the RCN Council.

Beginning his career as a staff nurse in ENT, Paul now works at director level within NHS England.

Many members will know Paul from his time as RCN regional director for the West Midlands and, further back, as an officer in the South West.

Commenting on his election, Paul said: “Thank you to my fellow Council members who elected me to this role.

“I am deeply honoured and incredibly excited to take on the role of Vice Chair of Council at such a critical time for nursing and our Royal College.”

RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive Pat Cullen said: “I would like to congratulate Paul on his election and look forward to working together to provide stability and clear vision for our organisation as we campaign for safe staffing and fair pay.”

The Vice Chair of Council not only supports the Chair but acts as an ambassador for the RCN and the whole nursing profession.

The Council also elected RCN President Sheilabye Sobrany as Chair of the RCN Governance Support Committee, and Wales Council member Steve Watson will take on the role of Remuneration Committee Chair. 

Find out more about RCN Council.


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