Spectral AI presents at BBA and ISBI Joint Conference

Spectral AI, an artificial intelligence (AI) company focused on medical diagnostics for faster and more accurate treatment decisions in wound care, presented data from an ongoing prospective multicentre study analysing the use of its DeepView™ System.

The DeepView™ System utilises non-invasive multispectral imaging technology and proprietary AI, to detect non-healing areas of a wound following thermal (burn) injury.

The session was led by Spectral AI’s Chief Medical Consultant, Dr Jeffrey Carter, who is also Medical Director of University Medical Center New Orleans Burn Center and Professor of Surgery at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine.

Dr Carter and his team note that burn care resources in the US are limited with only approximately 130 burn centres, a tight supply of available burn centre beds on any given day, and a significant decline in burn surgeon training.

These constraints would be magnified in a mass casualty event and likely result in inaccurate diagnoses and a diminished standard of care.

Spectral AI’s DeepView™ System has a demonstrated ability to accurately assess burn depth which exceeds that of experienced physicians.

This supports the Company’s belief that a high performing AI-driven model using multi-spectral imaging supplemented with clinician-based burn assessment is poised to positively impact the speed, treatment and potential outcomes for patients with acute burn wounds.

“The structural constraints in the ability of our healthcare system to treat burn victims combined with the complex nature of these wounds has resulted in significant challenges for clinicians, patients, and institutions,” said Dr Carter.

“We believe that Spectral AI’s DeepView™ System for burn indication can address these care gaps by providing an immediate and informed burn wound assessment with accuracy that far exceeds that of even the most seasoned burn care physician. The predictive ability of this technology can provide significant advantages across the healthcare continuum on both a day-to-day basis and during a mass casualty situation.”

Presentation Information

Presenter: Jeffrey E. Carter, MD, FACS
Title:  Burn Severity Assessment Using Multispectral Imaging and AI: Analysis of a Multicenter Study 
Day: Wednesday, August 21
Time: 15:30-17:00 BST
Location: International Conference Centre (ICC) Hall 11B, Birmingham, UK

The Company’s 2024 U.S. Burn Pivotal Study is ongoing and is designed to validate the AI-driven algorithm used by Spectral AI’s DeepView™ System for burn indication.

It will be the final clinical trial before the Company seeks FDA approval of its DeepView™ System for burn indication in 2025.


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