Film celebrates international nurses

Film celebrates international nurses

The Queen’s Nursing Institute has made a new short film featuring four international nurses working in the community in England.

The nurses – Ananthu Ashok from India, Katrina Capito from the Philippines, Gustav Grib from South Africa and Merin Jolly from India, all trained overseas and have all recently begun work for community nursing services in different parts of the country. 

The film was launched on International Nurses Day and celebrates the contribution of international nurses to community nursing services in England. Filming took place in March and April in four locations – Herefordshire, Sussex, Hertfordshire, and London.

QNI chief executive Dr Crystal Oldman CBE said: “This new film is the first of its kind to show the real experience of internationally educated nurses working in the community in England today.

“Historically, most nurses coming to this country have worked in hospitals as a first destination, but this film shows the range of opportunities that exist in the community, and the strong support structures that are available for nurses making this transition.

“In just a few minutes, the film introduces us to four international nurses who have chosen to pursue their career in the community in England.

“The film gives a privileged insight into their different life journeys and their aspirations for career and family. 

“We hope these positive and uplifting stories will give a new and richer understanding of the international nursing experience to a wider audience.

“The QNI would like to thank all the nurse stars who appeared in the film, the people they care for, their families and colleagues, and the healthcare trusts who supported them.

“The response we have received to the film so far has been overwhelming and I hope it will encourage others to consider a career in the community.”

The film shows the nurses delivering care in people’s homes, in educational and clinical settings, and with friends and family in their local communities.

It explores a number of significant themes for nurses who are working in a new country, including driving, housing, education, professional and personal support.

It also explores the importance of autonomy in practice and delivering personalised care in the community.

The film will be shared on social media platforms and can be used by healthcare organisations to help showcase the opportunities that exist for registered nurses in community settings in their region.

To watch the film, click here


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