Celebrating community services at Northumbria Healthcare
Colleagues from across Northumbria Healthcare came together to share learning and celebrate the trust’s community services.
The event saw services host stalls, showcase their work and present quality improvement (QI) initiatives.
The QI projects highlighted the innovative ways in which the teams have delivered care and improved health outcomes for patients.
Two awards were given for the best QI project; one voted by staff, and one voted by Northumbria Healthcare’s CEO Dr Birju Bartoli. These were:
Best QI project, voted by staff – community learning disability team
Best QI project, voted by Birju Bartoli - sexual health and palliative care (jointly award)
Following a break for lunch, presentation sessions took place with individual teams talking about their services, how they deliver care and projects they’re currently working on.
The trust’s community services cover a wide range of services and provide care for people from birth to the end of their life.
Services include nursing, therapies, podiatry, wellbeing, sexual health, and child health. Community teams play a vital role in supporting people with complex health and care needs to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible.
Maureen Evans, operational services manager for community services, said: “As our community services are so varied in scope and locations, events like this are a really important opportunity for all of us to come together.
“Being able to network and learn about different services can be the inspiration behind new projects and improvements to the care we deliver.
“We’ve seen some brilliant presentations and it’s great to have such a high turnout from both the teams and our colleagues across the trust. It’s been a brilliant day, and we’re already looking forward to doing it again next year!”
Dr Bartoli said: “At Northumbria Healthcare, our community services are an integral part of patient care.
“Events like this help us come together, share learning through QI presentations and network with colleagues in other teams.
“It’s evident by the presentations we’ve seen today that there is so much important work being done by our community teams.”
Dr Bartoli added: “It was incredibly hard to choose a winner for the ‘best QI project’, which is why I had to pick two! Congratulations to everyone who was involved in today, it’s been a great event.”