Change in leadership at Cavell Nurses’ Trust

After eight successful years of growing the charity, Cavell’s Chief Executive, John Orchard will depart Cavell at the end of January to follow his personal passion for woodworking and woodlands as Chief Executive of Woodland Heritage.

From January 30, Lewis Allett will take over as Chief Executive after leading as Support Director since early 2022.

John said: “Lewis is exactly the right person to lead Cavell; one of the many things I will deeply miss when I leave is his passion for supporting the nursing and midwifery family and his calm, can-do approach. Thank you, Lewis.

“This year the charity is on track to support over 1,200 people across the UK with grants and many hundreds more with advice, support and a listening ear.

“The people and organisations that share their time, funds and energy make it happen.

“I owe thanks to our Chair Susan Gostick and Cavell’s Trustees, the steadfast staff team who I will miss so much and to the individuals and organisations that have leapt into action.

“Whether through fundraising, donating, joining as a ‘Working with’ member or sponsoring the Cavell Star Awards, your kindness and generosity has supported the nursing and midwifery family through national crisis and personal pain. You have my deepest thanks.

“But thanks most of all to those who have reached out and asked for Cavell’s help. Asking for help can be one of the hardest things for anyone to do, in any walk of life.

“Your grace and humanity when your life is perhaps at its toughest point is a constant inspiration to me and is the most precious thing I will carry with me as I leave.”

Lewis and John first met on a Cavell fundraising event in 2015. For many years prior and since, Lewis has led and transformed support and grant-giving services for the nursing and midwifery family whilst working at the Royal College of Nursing and RCN Foundation for almost 15 years.

Since joining Cavell, Lewis has transformed the charity’s support strategy. Lewis added: “Growing and developing the ways in which we give support with the Cavell team this year has given me a profound respect for the charity’s commitment to the wellbeing of the nursing and midwifery community.

“There are bold plans on the horizon to broaden our support offer and provide life-changing support to more people than ever before. I am thrilled to be leading Cavell into an exciting new chapter. John leaves a strong legacy, and I am thankful to him for his stewardship and support.”


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