Consultation launched on nurse apprenticeship plans

Consultation launched on nurse apprenticeship plans

The Community Nurse Specialist Practitioner (NMC 2022) Trailblazer Group has opened a consultation on the draft apprenticeship standard for the Community Nurse Specialist Practitioner (NMC 2022).

In July 2022, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) published new standards of proficiency for community nursing specialist practice qualifications.

This new apprenticeship standard will replace the district nurse apprenticeship standard and will allow all SPQs (Specialist Practice Qualifications) approved by the NMC to be undertaken as part of an apprenticeship.

To give maximum opportunity for everyone to contribute, the consultation on the draft apprenticeship standard for the Community Nurse Specialist Practitioner (NMC 2022) is available as an online survey.

This consultation opened on Friday and will close at 12 midday on Wednesday, March 1.

All feedback will be reviewed following the closing date and Trailblazer will consider where amendments should be made to the draft standard.

The Standard will then be submitted to the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) to seek approval.


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