Annual report shows Welsh health care is in crisis, says RCN Wales

The Royal College of Nursing in Wales has published Nursing in Numbers 2022, its annual report on the state of the nursing workforce in Wales.

The report reveals there are 2,900 registered nurse vacancies in NHS Wales, up from 1,719 in 2021.

RCN Wales Director Helen Whyley said: “Health care in Wales is in crisis and unfortunately patients are paying the price.

“Nurses are exhausted and under pressure to deliver the high standard of care their patients deserve, while being conscious that the number of people waiting for treatment is rising.

“These vacancy numbers are deeply troubling and show that nurses are being pushed to the exit and are leaving the NHS.

“The Welsh government needs to act now to safeguard patients and support the nursing workforce. It must address nurse staffing levels to ensure environments where patients receive care are safe.”

RCN Wales is calling on Eluned Morgan MS, Minister for Health and Social Services, to listen to nursing staff, safeguard patients and make sure there is an NHS able to deliver care for future generations.

Richard Jones MBE, RCN Wales Board Chair, said: “10,572 people signed our petition to protect patients by extending Section 25B of Wales’s safe nurse staffing law.

“I am hugely thankful to the people of Wales for their overwhelming support. The public understands the importance of having enough nursing staff to give safe and effective care to all our loved ones.”


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